Types of Psychological Evaluations

“Psychological evaluation” is a broad term that is often used to refer to many different things. Most basically, a psychological evaluation is an assessment of an individual, usually involving diagnostic interviews and psychological testing. However, this assessment can take several forms and serve different purposes. This summary provides short descriptions of the main types of evaluations.

The major categories of evaluations include:

  • Psycho-diagnostic Evaluation:
    This type of assessment is usually conducted at the request of an individual who is in or seeking treatment, or at the request of a therapist seeking diagnostic clarity about a person’s case. It usually involves diagnostic interviews about the individual’s background and problems and testing to assess psychological symptoms and personality traits.
  • Psycho-educational Evaluation:
    This type of assessment is focused on an individual’s academic and school-related abilities. It also involves diagnostic interviews and psychological testing, but testing may include specific instruments, such as those designed to assess problems like AD/HD or broader measures that assess intelligence or achievement
  • Neuropsychological Evaluation:
    A neuropsychological evaluation is an assessment of brain functioning, and the goal is usually to identify the specific structure or region in the brain that is causing a person impairment. It involves a diagnostic interview and the administration of tests, either computerized or paper and pencil. These evaluations require administration by a neuropsychologist or trained psychometrist.
  • Forensic Psychological Evaluations:
    These assessments involve any psychological evaluation that is conducted as part of a legal or court case. There are many specific questions that can be addressed depending on the case and question to be answered. Given the legal context, forensic evaluations are typically very structured and follow strict guidelines, and they also tend to include a review of relevant records and collateral information (such as interviews with third parties like therapists) in addition to diagnostic interviews and psychological testing.

At KKJ, we provide all types of evaluations except for neuropsychological ones, and we specialize in several more specific types of forensic evaluations.

If you would like more information on any of these topics or on our availability to assist you with an evaluation, please contact me at drjulianne@kkjpsych.com.

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